Thursday, 19 October 2017


This post has no link with the previous one.😏

Many of us like sunsets, don't we? Even I do. In fact, I love sunsets. It does not matter where the place is: whether it's a mountain, or the beach, a snow covered peak, or the sea, among the clouds, or behind the skyscrapers; I love it everywhere. 

I never miss a chance to watch the sun retire for the day. Well, most of the times I tend to predict when the sunset is going to be one among the clouds with the sky turning as golden as hay, with a touch of pink and a tinge of orange on the evergreen background of blue and indigo. And, there can never be a better excuse to take the camera out of the hidden chambers and capture the moment's changes! Have you ever noticed how fast the sun sets? It's like as if it changes every second; the look, the shades of the sky, the pattern and placement of clouds(if any), the sun's position and the atmosphere. Once in motion, the sun does not take more than fifteen minutes to set, actually it takes even less, and every minute looks like as though some painter is completing his masterpiece.

Fig 1: Radhanagar Beach, Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

But how many of us do really appreciate this aspect of nature? We go to different places to admire the sublime beauty lying in nature, but we don't perceive the simplicity and charm in and around our locality. It's true what Rabindranath said in one of his poems
".... Dekhite giyachi porbotmala, dekhite giyachi sindhu
Dekha hoy na chokhhu meliya,
Ghor hote sudhu dui pa feliya
Ekti dhaner shisher upor ekti shishir bindu."

But I have seen. I have seen the sun set the way few others do. I have seen beauty where others see nothing. I have seen sunset from a tourist spot known for it and also from the balcony of our flat. Trust me, both of them are beautiful. The difference is of the mood and the place. It's just the way one sees it- the same thing might appear dull and boring to someone who is not paying his full attention. Sometimes, even with a lot of attention everyone cannot percieve beauty because everyone is not born with the same mindset. Thus, I feel blessed because I have a mind which can appreciate and admire nature in all its forms. After all, all you need is a mind to see and a heart to percieve ☺.
 Sometimes you should take a break. Sometimes you should go out into the balcony. (sorry if your balcony does not provide you with a splendid view; mine does).

In the end, every day is a new day; and every sunset is an unique one. Just give it a little time and you will realise it. Shakespeare said something very true in his play 'The Merchant of Venice':
Portia- "How many things by season season'd are
               To their right praise and true perfection!"
Fig 2: Chidiyatapu Beach, Andamans again.

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

My first post

This is my first post as a blogger; hope my fellow readers like it.

Yes. A frustrated teenager.

I don't know where to start because I am unorganized. I don't know where to go because I am lost. I don't know what to say because I am speechless. I don't know how to proceed because my legs are bound. I don't know what to do because I am frustrated.

Frustration is the feeling of being upset or annoyed as a result of being unable to achieve, or change something. Some may wonder, what can cause frustration to a teenager? To them my answer will be: teenagers have quite many reasons to be frustated , and often most of them whom we see everyday are going through a 'phase' which may not be so visible. Always what it seems is not what it really is. A person may look quite happy and jolly but it may happen that that person goes through depression (we shall talk about this later) or frustration. A frustrated person does not always go around and beat drums confessing his problems and miseries aloud; such a person either keeps it all to himself, or shares it with the ones whom he trusts.

There might be many reasons for a teenager to be frustrated. It may be their inability to perform well academically, it could be their fears telling them not to take risks, it could be peer pressure telling them to do things which they might be afraid of, it might even be some school bully. Sometimes, it may also be their parents, pressurizing them to pursue some stream or career of the former's choice. A lack of confidence which sometimes tells them that they are not good enough, or that they can't achieve some desired career, or that others are way too better than them can also be another reason. Apart from these there might be other reasons too, like inability of handling too much pressure from their surroundings. Frustration from such reasons may not be so bad at first, but it may increase with time and over thinking of those issues. When a person in such kind of difficulty is not able to speak out, either to a group or to a single person, their frustration might increase. They may start feeling helpless or that no one understands them, but inside they themselves know that it would be better if they could share their feelings with  some other person. Such a person may be unwilling to open up (even if that might be helpful and relieve them of some stress ) as he thinks most of the people around him will misunderstand him, but he keeps on searching: searching for some person who might understand, and will be able to guide him so that he can think in an organized manner.

Thus, frustration may have many roots, numerous branches and varied leaves, but in the end it leaves the victim in trouble. My advice will be please try to talk to your peers if you notice something unusual about them. While doing that make sure that you have a likewise mentality else even you may have difficulty in perceiving what he is saying. Sometimes it is even better to leave a crying person alone than to keep poking him asking him what is wrong: he may either explode in anger, or he may cry even more. If he is left alone for some time, maybe it will help heal his wound.☺