Thursday, 8 November 2018

June's Evening

June loved cycling. In the evenings , whenever she did not have her tuitions, she took her cycle out of the garage, dusted it and set out. She spent most of her spare evenings like that. Sometimes she took Sooji, her one year old Golden Retriever with her, and as she cycled, Sooji ran alongside her. Though she was a happy and jolly soul, June had one disability: she could not speak.

On one such evening, when June and Sooji were enjoying the evening sun, they took a new route; June hadn't been there before. The street was nice - trees on both sides at frequent intervals, flower bushels, nicely coloured houses, and after a few turns she reached a ground. The scenery was one so simple yet so special. The ground was moderately big, with mahua and neem trees on one side, nice benches under them, two other sides were lined with houses and another side was open with bushes and a few flower shrubs. June parked her cycle and went and sat on one of the benches; Sooji followed her. As she sat she could behold the sunset right in front of her -- it was beautiful. The sky was a smooth gradation of blue, white, yellow, orange, pink and a bit of violet, with a vermilion sun. Sooji sat right at her feet and June brushed her hair gently. The place had its own beauty but it was deserted. She took out her earphones and plugged them in; Ed Sheeran was about to play. That was when she heard the sound of rustling leaves and a sudden fall. She got up to see who it was and she saw a boy, who seemed to be the same age as her. She helped him get up and that was when she realised that he was blind. She helped him to a seat. Sooji barked twice. He began," Hey, I'm Saavan and by now you must have realised that I can't see. True, but I've very sharp ears (laughs up a little). Why aren't you saying anything, huh? I live two streets away from this ground. I had a fight with my mother, so, angry I came here; took me a lot of effort though!" June listened silently, looking at him all the while. Sooji lied down. 
The sun had set already. Saavan stopped talking. June understood that to get him talking again, she had to do something, but what? She couldn't speak and he couldn't see her symbols to interpret them. She shared her earphones with him. It played 'Perfect Strangers' by Jonas Blue. Even autoplay can sense the atmosphere sometimes. 

We share because we care. June shared her earphones with Saavan because she cared enough to have a conversation with him. Sometimes, a small gesture like this means more than words can. And, if you really care for someone, share your time with them.

Thursday, 4 October 2018

Random Thoughts

People and feelings.
Sometimes it amazes me how different the life of everyone is. Somewhere some girl is waiting for her distant love and somewhere some boy is writing songs to express his love for another girl. Somewhere a husband is frustrated with his life because of a failing marriage whereas somewhere a maiden is waiting for her long lost love in the bar they had first met. A woman who is completely in love with her assistant and some other boy who simply cannot forget his insane ex-girlfriend. These are instances from daily life- some of which were made into movies, some have been written down as books, few as poems, some others have become tales and some more have gone unnoticed. All of them are different stories yet one thing is common in them: human feelings.

Love: a word whose meaning no one can really explain because it is a mystery. Love cannot be told or explained, it can be felt. A silent but beautiful sunset that you enjoyed with your head rested on your lover's shoulder; something that you not only saw, but felt. Love is something like that; cannot be seen, but can be felt. You can see the agony in ones eyes by just looking at the tears collecting at its corners: the pain that stirs up her heart whenever she thinks about him. You can see her pain but not feel it. 

Today I had gone to a place with a beautiful scenery around it and I had a very nice time amongst trees, the river, sands, kashphul, and the evening sun, all of which need with a beautiful sunset. While returning I was listening to a few songs like:
                            তুমি আসবে বলে তাই
 আমি স্বপ্ন দেখে যাই
 আর একটা করে দিন চলে যায়।
(Days are numbering out as I have been having dreams because you are going to return)

This song has always meant a lot to me. Another one is:
এটা কি 2441139
বেলা রোস  তুমি শুনতে পাচ্ছ কি
মিটার যাচ্ছে বেড়ে এই পাবলিক টেলিফোনে 
জরুরী খুব জরুরী দরকার।
(Is this 2441139? Can you hear me Bela Bose? The meter of this public telephone is increasing, it's urgent for me to talk to you. )
Even this song has a story to tell.

What's the point of all this? Nothing.
These were things that just came up in my mind.

Random thoughts.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018


The last post on my blog was on the tenth of February and today is the eleventh of April. So it is quite clear that I've practically ignored my blog for two long months. But to be honest, these two months have been the shortest ones ever. Say why? Because most of the time has gone in preparing for the exams and after that practically I have not been at home for most of the time. Sorry Blogspot, I have ignored you.

Meanwhile I had gone for a Short trip in North Bengal and it was quite good and refreshing. North Bengal is mostly nature. There were rivers, hills, forests and jungle safaris. I enjoyed it pretty well. I am a nature person so I liked being amidst nature. I shall say more about my trip to Dooars in another writing.

Yes. Disappointments. I am disappointed about so many things right now. Firstly,  about growing up. I am not liking it. I don't like the way I am going up and now I have to act responsibly. I cannot be careless as I used to be. Now I cannot sit on Mum's lap. I cannot roam around sitting on Daddy's shoulders and I cannot afford to waste time. Today in the evening before the rain came down, I was sitting in my balcony and watching the children at play and a rush of nostalgia brushed past me. Childhood memories became alive. I was back to those days when I used to play around, and bicycle around in that big playground. For me it is not just a playground but a place with uncountable memories. I have learnt how to ride a bicycle in in that place. I have learnt to run and to make friends in that place. When I was a little girl, my mother used to take me there and then as I grew up I used to spend all of my evenings there. I miss those days. You might have a question that why don't I go there now? Trust me I do; the difference is now I don't play around like I used to before because most of the time I don't have company.

Things are changing very fast- first the end of class ten, then the board exams.,then the short trip and then admission to a new school. All of this ended so fast! But the good thing is that things are happening mostly according to plan, leave apart a few. And, I am learning to trust my instincts. Soon classes are going to begin, tuitions already have, and then I'll be busy again. Sad thing. So, I'm trying to do all the meet-ups now: meeting up with friends who'll be going to other states for studying, meeting relatives, and also teachers. Who knows when I'll be free again? Already tutors, parents and seniors have scared me enough about the ocean-like syllabus.

I was supposed to talk about disappointments, but you see I've gone quite off-track. Apologies!

Another thing: I just saw the books of class five ICSE students and I was gaping at the syllabus. They have cut short almost every detail that we had studies and yes, history geography and civics have been clubbed into a single book, just like CBSE.(Though most of you know this already, this was for those few who didn't).

And the one above was another disappointment. Alas!

Saturday, 10 February 2018

A Tale as Old as Time 

'And at last I see the light
And it's like the fog has lifted
And at last I see the light
And it's like the sky is new
And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything looks different
Now that I see you.'

These are the lines of the song 'I see the light' from the Disney movie 'Tangled'. Today I was listening to songs from Disney movies and Barbie movies and since then I haven't returned to reality. When I was in lower classes these Barbie movies used to be such a fascination! I never missed any of them whenever they came up on the television. And today while listening to those songs all those fairy tales flashed back. So unreal, impractical, yet so enchanting and charming! Once again I was in that dreamland, someplace that I used to visit so often a few years back. Those songs made me sway and dance and twirl, thinking that I was not in my room but in a land with a blue open sky, trees with flowers of all possible colours, the music playing in the background, my feet covered in ballerinas, and no one around. Since then I have been lost in that dreamland, unable to return to this cruel world.

Sometimes even such unrealistic fairy tales and Disney movies make me feel so positive and lively; like a whiplash to my imaginations!

'Tale as old as time, true as it can be.....'

Saturday, 3 February 2018

Better Times

It has been a long long time since I have written anything here, apparently because of the approaching 'devil'- ICSE examinations.

I was just going through the pictures from our Vizag tour and now all of the memories are reappearing. It feels like just yesterday I was there, and today I am here. 

                                                  These pictures took me back in time.