Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Take Me Back

I had all and then most of you
Some and now none of you
Take me back to the night we met
I don't know what I'm supposed to do
Haunted by the ghost of you
Take me back to the night we met.
     -these are lyrics from a song by Lord Huron and I'd like to relate this with my older self. Another year went by, marking the end of a decade, and today, on the last day of 2019 I'd like to reflect on the recent past.

This year has been quite a significant year if we look back at the events that took place: starting from India's first openly gay athlete Dutee Chand to having the first images of the black hole being taken. The list of events is long and so I shall not talk about each and every one of them.

The last day of a year means feeling a bit tad nostalgic. And I can't help it. A decade gone by and all I feel right now, at this moment, is happiness, gratitude and content. Tomorrow is unknown and I can do little but hope and little hope goes a long way. I was a completely different person  when this year began; anxious, stressed, and unstable. But now, I've evolved. I have become a better person (no the stress hasn't left me, relax), I have become more thoughtful, considerate, kind, adjusting and sensitive towards other people and I am thankful for all of those. This year did not begin well, but it is ending well. And most importantly I am happy.

Enough about me. Why did I speak so much about my self-improvement? Because I want you to reminisce over the past days and look how far you have come. You may not be where you wanted to be, but you have made progress and some progress is always better than no progress at all. Give some credit to yourself and try to be happy.

I still do not know why I decided to write such useless rant on year-end; I guess I just wanted to write something on the last day of the decade.
I would end it with Take Me Back, but no, I think I am just fine where I am.